God's Lives Matter Is a Movement

It is built from individual efforts in states, in counties, in neighborhoods like yours…

What compels us:

GLM is a movement to restore general love for humanity everywhere. We affirm that All God’s Lives Matter! GLM is faith based in its methodology, for addressing a world where human lives are born into difficult earthly circumstances, systematically created by the failings of men. We turn to GOD for our direction and inspiration. We affirm the contributions of all Americans to this society, recognizing our humanity and resilience in the face of difficult life choices and we acknowledge that we all share the certain path towards death.

About God’s Lives Matter.

GLM is a unique group of believers that are banding together to move past the social divisions that separate human beings from their Spiritual Beginnings. GLM goes beyond the separation that’s prevalent within every community and ask all to give life to these words “We were not given a Spirit of Fear, but of LOVE with POWER so that we may exist in this Life with a SOUND MIND.”

Its time to stop being unstable in this life living a dualistic existence and become one with our SPIRITUAL ESSENCE so that we can be at PEACE with ourselves and begin living the PROMISED JOY and PEACE knowing, living and accepting that ALL THINGS BECOME POSSIBLE for we have no DOUBTS about our POSSIBILITIES.



You Are The Most Important Part

GLM is an online forum intended to build connections between GOD’s people and our allies to fight anti-Human racism, to spark dialogue among GOD’s people, and to facilitate the types of connections necessary to encourage spiritual growth, truth and social responsibility in action and engagement.